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Representative Work
Isaac Paonessa

Medals and awards photo by Karolina Grabowska

Decision Making and Primary Residence (2023)

Successfully argued on a motion for protection of a child and obtained a temporary order for my client.

Child Protection (2023)

Successfully negotiated a consent order at a settlement conference hearing that protected a child during a Children's Aid Society and police investigation.

Parenting Time (2023)

Successfully obtained a temporary order on a motion from a court for parenting time for my client in which the client received the exact schedule that was sought after.

Spousal Support (2023)

Successfully obtained a temporary order on a motion from a court for a reduction in spousal support for a payor client who had experience a major change in financial circumstances.

Separation Agreement (2023)

Successfully negotiated a higher settlement on alimony / spousal support than was thought possible for the client in regards to a lump sum in a separation agreement.

Trial (2022)

Successfully identified hundreds of thousands of dollars in unpaid spousal support from a separation agreement / domestic contract and put that at the forefront of trial proceedings for the client.

Property Division (2023)

Successfully negotiated the sale and buyout of houses owned by client with estranged spouse at a case conference, working productively with the opposing lawyer and obtaining helpful comment from the presiding judge. This made the case conference more like a fruitful settlement conference.

Award of legal costs (2024)

Client received an award of costs from a motion and case conference for approximately 33% of the total legal costs of the day. Opposing party had made steps in the case unproductive and disobeyed court orders.

Settlement with FRO (2024)

Successfully negotiated a settlement in a default proceeding with the Family Responsibility Office for an arrears payment plan and the reinstatement of a driver's license and avoidance of jail time.

Uncontested Trial (2024)

Successful in receiving acceptance from the court of all submitted evidence for a resulting trust to prevent unjust enrichment and an award of full costs to the client.

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